Acuity DEX Blockchain

The DEX operates via the Acuity DEX chain.

It provides the following functionality:

  • Order publishing
  • Cross-chain account connection
  • Trusted accounts

ACU is the base coin.

This chain was originally launched as an EVM chain on 27th April 2017 called LINK. It was renamed to MIX on 12th October 2017 due to the announcement of Chainlink. On 1st September 2020 MIX migrated to a Substrate chain called ACU.

The ACU chain did not produce any blocks between July 4th 2023 and the hard spoon on 29th January 2024.

Why Substrate?

On 25th July 2016 Acuity Founder Jonathan Brown published the Federated Ethereum Blockchains blog post. It is essentially a wishlist for the perfect blockchain technology. Polkadot satisfies the items on the wishlist almost perfectly. Substrate is the framework Polkadot is built upon.
